What tools do you need as a blogger

When starting a blog, everyone wants it to work, and for it to take off. But as time passes and your blog grows, it will be difficult to do everything by yourself. That is when you need to consider all available tools in order to have your blog running and growing.

These are the top 10 tools you can use for your blog:

1) Writing blogs

Creating content for your blog is the most important part, but after a time it can get very hard. Especially if you have a full-time job, you can consider hiring a VA to create some content, write the frame for your blog. You can still edit it and make it your own.

2) Proofreading blogs

A VA or someone proofread your blog and the content will help you focus on the content, without being worried that you make a grammar mistake or typo. You can also use Grammarly, a great app that highlights your mistakes and gives suggestions. Using Grammarly can help you develop your writing.

3) Social media marketing for your blog

Social media is something that everyone uses, but not everybody can do it right. Creating content, scheduling, and managing 3-4 social media pages, while you work and keep a blog is hard and time-consuming. It can take 5-10 hours weekly to do social media marketing the right way. A social media VA can help you and take off this task from your shoulders, making sure that the job is done just right!

4)Email marketing

The tool that bloggers use the most probably is email marketing. It is important that you not only drive traffic to your website, but you also capture those visitors and turn them into leads.

  • Part of email marketing could be:
  • Pop-up banner to sign visitors up to your email list
  • Sign up form for lead magnet
  • Connecting your subscribers from the website to an email drip campaign
  • Setting up and writing email drip campaigns

What is an email drip campaign?

” Drip marketing is a communication strategy that sends, or “drips,” a pre-written set of messages to customers or prospects over time. These messages often take the form of email marketing, although other media can also be used. ” Wikipedia

This means, when someone opts into your email signup on the website, they will receive a series of automated emails.

A professional email marketing campaign will not only grow your list, but it will also generate leads and make money for you.

A VA can help you by setting up all these things in no time. Sometimes it’s better to hire a VA to do it in a week, instead of you spending weeks to figure out how Mailchimp works and how you can add a pop-up window to your blog.

5) Uploading your blog

Writing blog content is only half of the job. The other half is uploading it, optimizing it, and doing marketing for it. A good VA will upload your blog, add the right images, make it reader-friendly, and optimize the post for SEO and traffic.

6) Pinterest marketing

Pinterest marketing is one of the best tools to use for bloggers. But it’s one of the most time-consuming activity with a lot of important steps:

  • Set up profile properly
  • Optimize profile, boards, and pins
  • Research groups and pin from/to them
  • Schedule pins to make sure that you are visible
  • Manage Tailwind
  • Interact with other accounts (like, comment, follow)

This can take 10 hours weekly and takes practice to do it the right way.

A VA can help you with all these, so you have time for what matters most to you.

7) Replying to emails

A VA can help you with managing your incoming and outgoing emails. A VA will manage your inbox in a way that only the relevant and important emails reach you, saving you time and energy.

8) Lead generation and pitching for companies

Other than social media, Pinterest marketing, this is the most important task that you can be outsourcing.
Lead generation means pitching for brands, researching, and setting up paid collaborations with companies. This means, someone will actively be promoting your blog to companies, so you can get some paid collaborations for your blog, with the brands you love.
I think most bloggers hate this part of the “business”. Lead generation and sales are hard because you will get a lot of rejection, especially if you just got started and your blog is still growing.

9) Photo editing

Photo editing is a very important part. Using the right size for all the different webpages can be tricky. Posting the wrong size can send a bad message. If you don’t know all the different sizes you can hire a VA to create eye-catching and amazing designs.

10) Research

The last point is researching topics and fact-checking. If your blog talks about difficult or unique topics, you might need someone to research the backstories for you. But a researching VA can also help you with finding great images, topics, decision-makers, companies, etc.

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