Starting a Blog on Bluehost

We are all looking for ways to make some extra money. Have you ever considered blogging? Are you curious about all those people making hundreds or even thousands of dollars just from their blog? Do you want to learn how you can set up and make a really beautiful blog that makes you money?

Blogging is not just a way of earning a massive amount of money. It also provides you a vehicle to express yourself and share your skills and knowledge with the global audience. However many people fail miserably when it comes to the blogging business and get dis-heart only in a few months. If you want to earn money from it, you need patience, will to work hard, and the right guidance.

Pick your blog niche or topic

The biggest and most common mistake entrepreneurs usually make is to choose the wrong niche or don’t pick the niche at all. Startups usually tend to “think big” which means a larger scale of competition, confused and mixed content on your blog and as result, you won’t be able to have an established “authority” which is an essential ingredient to having a successful blog.
You should pick a niche because:

  1. You can’t write about anything or everything. There is a ton of competition in the blogging industry and to stand out, you need to be specific about “what you offer”
  2. You need to establish an “authority” in a specific field. For example, if you say that you sell Internet marketing services, it is too vague. Be specific. Like you sell Facebook Lead Ads marketing, Facebook marketing for Real Estate, etc. It may sound like you are missing some clients but in reality, you are becoming an authority.
  3. You should be sure of what you really want to achieve and how you are going to accomplish this through your blog.
  4. It is more likely to have a loyal audience if you blog about one specific topic or niche. This will further help you to spread your message to a wider target audience.

How to choose a niche

Now, we know how important it is to choose the right niche for your blog. How you can pick a niche that would ensure good results:

  1. The first question you need to ask yourself: Is this a Personal blog or a Business blog?
  2. Identify what are your goals related to this blog? Do you want to earn a reputation for your business? Get more traffic to your corporate website? Make money while sharing your skills or experiences? Do you want to sell some products via your blog?
  3. Brainstorm your interests and passions. How can you write for months or even for years about something, if you are not really passionate about the topic?
  4. Research your competition, problems in your niche, and target audience
  5. Determine how profitable this niche is? Is there any real demand for the solutions you are providing?
  6. Make a decision and work on it

Pick a domain name

Once you have finalized your niche, you need to pick a domain name for your business or blog.
Here is how you can pick a domain name:

  1. The domain name should be easy to remember & type
  2. Keep it short. You can choose a domain name of 253 characters but that doesn’t mean you should. You want to keep it short and professional
  3. If possible, use your main keywords for better search engine visibility. For example, if you are selling handmade sweaters for kids, you can have
  4. You can add numbers to have a unique and sassy domain name but avoid hyphens
  5. Always buy your domain name from a reliable web hosting provider like BlueHost. You can have a FREE domain for the first year if you buy 12 months of web hosting at BlueHost. If you are serious about earning online through a blog, I recommend you to have a web hosting account for at least 12 months. This will also reduce the monthly expenses with BlueHost hosting which is simply an added bonus

You can register a new domain with BlueHost as well as transfer an existing one for greater service and reliability. You don’t need to have an advanced knowledge of web hosting or domain registration to transfer an existing domain with Bluehost. The step is really easy and would take only a few minutes to process.

Buy web hosting package

If you have decided about the domain name, it’s time to start web hosting. I highly recommend hosting with Bluehost
The reasons why Bluehost web hosting packages are helpful:

  • recommends it. It is the number one recommended web hosting service for having a WordPress blog.
  • It is reliable and comes with 24/7 Support
  • It has 30 days money-back guarantee.
  • If you buy hosting with them for 12 months you will get a free domain name.
  • It provides FREE SSL with every hosting package which is great if you want higher search engine visibility
  • It has a one-click WordPress Install setup.

Get started with WordPress with just one click

WordPress started out as blogging software and after so many years, it is still the number one choice of bloggers and entrepreneurs to set up their blogs.

WordPress is absolutely FREE for personal and commercial use. You can find thousands of free themes, layouts, and plugins to create beautiful, yet functional websites or blogs in a few minutes. It is open-source that means a huge community of developers and designers have invested their time and efforts to make it such a secure, customizable, and popular software.

What makes BlueHost really desirable is its functionality to install WordPress at your hosting account with just one click. Yeah, that’s pretty much what you have to do. Just pick a password and you are done.

If you are thinking that why BlueHost and why not free Blogger or Blogspot?

  1. With free hosting, you are not actually the owner of your own blog’s content. That’s right. It’s their space and you are using it for FREE
  2. If you decide to use their free domain name option, the domain name associated with the blog is going to unprofessional and long
  3. You can’t really earn or make money there. Mostly these platforms let you post content on their space so they could make money from your content.

I guess now you understand why it is always good to have a professional domain name and hosting account on web hosting service providers like BlueHost rather than any free service out there. You have to invest some money to get started like any other business.

Pick a WordPress theme on BlueHost

Once you are done with the installation, you are going to need a professional “Look” for your blog. You can navigate free WordPress themes on BlueHost or you can grab any paid WordPress Theme for your blog.

Go to your web hosting account. Login. Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Upload Theme and browse to the theme on your system, you want to install. It will automatically install the theme.

Final Words

I hope I have helped someone with this article. I have tried my best to illustrate the whole process setup process in easy-to-follow steps but if you still need any help with your blog or hosting account, you can write to me and I would love to help you to grow your blog or online business.

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